Pipjet is a new forex robot being released by the Forex Mega Droid team on June 26th, 2012, 9 AM EST. Product Price: $97 or $119 (update will be issued) and will be sold through Clickbank with a 60-day money back guarantee.
They claim to have 5 live money accounts to show that have been running for up to 2 years. I sure hope they’re connected to MyFXBook or something similar. They also claim that over the 2 years their EA has only produced 3 losses and maintains a very low drawdown. One of the accounts apparently has turned $1000 into over $40,000 from August 2010 to now. Then they go on to say that the performance of the robot is not it’s #1 feature, and when it’s released you will understand why. Marketing hype?
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Never heard of mtrocket.com? Neither have I! At first glance this seems like it’s a self-owned owned stat publishing platform that they can manipulate any way they want. Why they wouldn’t just go with Myfxbook to avoid and red flags like this is a question that remains to be answered. Take these results with a grain of salt, please!
The strategy behind Pip Jet is taking advantage of a certain currency pair (USDCAD) that they have discovered a particular pattern, or occurrence if you will. In other words, they scalp USD/CAD during the asian session. This pattern, or occurrence is said to be the next gold rush in forex trading and will change the way automated forex trading is done for years to come according to their developers. They’re guaranteeing all of this, so I guess we will see come launch date.
Remember if you are going to try this robot that you fully understand how the system works before running it live. I always recommend to use your refund period to test it thoroughly for at least a month. If your results are above satisfaction, then and only then should you consider taking steps to trade it live with your hard earned money. Just because a website says their system will make $xx,xxx a month doesn’t mean it’s going to. So if you are not satisfied, do not hesitate to request your money back. If you are interested in more information on this forex product then check out the link or any comments below.
If real user reviews of Pip jet are what you are looking for, then check the comments below. They are real customer experiences with this product. If there are no comments, then be sure to come back frequently and check for updates as our review and discussion of this product continues to grow.
If you have experience with Pipjet or know something people might find important please feel free to share in a comment below. It may help someone save or make a lot of money so don’t hold back. Because of the influx in forex robots and forex systems being released right now, our reviewing as been slowed but our user comments have not. Make yourself at home and write a comment, or ask a question for the community to discuss. You will be surprised the information and knowledge you may unveil.
If you want to submit a forex trading product or broker that is not listed on our site, please use the Submit A Forex System form or Submit Your Own Articles. There are many private and underground forex robots and systems out there they I just don’t have the time to look for. So if you know of any, or a place to find them please feel free to share and I will make a post about it for the community to discuss.
Ok guys lets get the ball rolling, here at ForexFBI we encourage our visitors to openly discuss your Pipjet, strategies, settings, reviews, thoughts, whatever…
Volume double after loss as recovery mode is on.
I’ve 2 large loss on 15/10, and the lot is double after losses.
Their link to mt4rocket also showing that the lot is double but, they are not posting the losses. Though it is strange as lot will be double after losses only.
Their link is showing lot double without loss for the previous trade. Strange anyway. Be careful to run it on live account.
I’ve 2 large loss on 15/10, on 17/10 the lot is double with small profit
After trying to get a free trial to forex Thor it said 5 digit brokers give better results than 4 digit like Profiforex. Now Pipjet gets profits 2009 $ 1150, 2010 $1400, 2011 $526, 2012 $112. Gftforex. 50 lev.aggres. But still not like at their website. And wouldn’t cover a vps.
I didn’t like it. Backtested from 1999 it made $17 million. But peaked at 40 mill. 95%accuracy. But crashed a 1,000 account 2010,2011.. 2009 $300. aggressive or not. Different time offsets 0-3. it was @70% accurate when crashing. Up $10-50 this year.
See their results weren’t my fxbk verified. I tested megadroid too, and since similar results of 2009-2012 had $300 left from $1000. Profiforex had the data, 500 margin.
mtrocket doesn’t look made just for MD folks, if you look it over one can hook their MT4 acct to it, so it looks public. I’ve only run my FX Choice $100 acct since 4th July, seems per MD folks update info the market is such that there hasn’t been enough good trading quantity in past couple of weeks, so my +2.3% myfxbook results are thusly understood: http://www.myfxbook.com/members/Batcheler/pipjet-fx-choice/347864
I’m wondering if an abundance of folks on prior posts here are willy-nilly dropping their Pipjet into brokers they hadn’t recommended? thus they’re encountering problems??? So far my unit is running BETTER than their 5 accts, but this admittedly is only for past couple of weeks, we shall see.
new version traded today for a small win
Guys, pipjet has a new version. Who has tried it?
V. large losses. I will be refunding Pipjet ASAP.
I have been using pip-jet for one week[ on demo ] first trade+$18.07 next two trades total -$1109.92 looks like rubbish to me!!
I begin a foward testing in many brokers, and also made backtesting. At the backtesting I had results significativly differents. At the foward test, I had losses of 40% of my capital. The risk level ( defaullt) is 0.2, and if there is losses is activated a recovery mode built in Pipjet increasing the the risk of the capital. There are a marketing strategy like in most of this kind of products. How can we seprate the goods of the bads; It is possible? There are EA that works realiy well?
July 8 Sydney
Hi have just downloaded and tried to decipher 89 pages Fnex manual !!!
Can u just download pip jet software ????
How to get started ??? Thanx dee
It was cheap enough, so give it a go I have. Very similar to megadroid and in fact could be the same one rebranded. It does stuff all, only 2 trades in a couple of weeks. Save your dollars, its crap like almost all EA’s I have trialed
Anyone who buys this is absolutely retarded.
They claim it does $1k to $36k, shows no verified proof of that, and you would still buy it???
Come on people, seriously?
use your brains, you must have one.
I’ve been using pipjet since it’s release with two different broker accounts.. Only 2 trades made so far. 1 wasn’t even in the Asian range, not that would bother anyone if it wasn’t a pivotal part of their marketing campaign. One trade made 8 pips and the other 0 pips. So not too exciting. I asked for a refund, but just got several replies from pipjet including
Please note that in the case of a refund the software is automatically deactivated.
I recommend you test the software for full 60 days before you decide to cancel.
We recommend you try and make use of this powerful software.
If you need help with something, please let us know.
We will be happy to help.
Hope that helps.
PipJet Support Team”
Well I gave in and for the next two weeks I’ll be running it on a Pepperstone razor ECN account. I’m using the settings that they recommended and I’ll be posting the results on here. Lets see how “powerful” the software really is. My guess is, the only powerful part of PipJet is the marketing campain.
Wake up to your selves Why do these guys market other systems and robots as affiliates. Cant be making any money trading but they need money to top up their trading accounts. If pipjet only makes a couple of pip each trade it is going to be a long time before you even get your money back for your outlay.
How’d you get 17 trades so quickly? Changed any settings?
No changed settings, just loaded on 2 live accounts. Trouble is, pipjet loaded trades just as the US market was closing and spreads are tight. Shortly after US markiet close spreads really widen, pipjet detect this and close the trade, at a loss every time.
Paid, downloaded & installed on 26 Jun 12 (my time GMT +8 Hours). No trades till today – 03 Jul 12.
Got a disturbing email (see below) from Honest Forex Signals (HFS) who I was subscribed to till 24 Jun 12. Decent profits but I felt their subscription pricing of $177 p/m a bit too expensive for my tastes compared to the returns I was making on a small trading deposit account. I would use HFS again if I open a bigger deposit account.
Apart from this email from HFS, I did a search of Pip Jet at Baby Pips & FPA (no reviews or responses yet) and this is what one guy says there:
I’m getting worried about Pip Jet guys!
mendonca (Junior Member) says:
Third impression: BANG !!!!
Couldn´t have been faster. In just 3 moves the mighty pair of robots (Megadroid and PipJet) blew away 37% of the account.
EURUSD lost a mere 93 pips (I repeat: ninety three pips)
In the now renamed asian session that starts when the american market is still open (!!!) the two orders of USDCAD performed like this:
The firs one made +0.9 pips (a bit less than one pip)
The second one lost 114 pips (I repeat: one hundred and fourteen pips)
My guess is that Megadroid and PipJet are absolutely the same piece of… software.
And now I also understand the origin of the PipJet name: they put the pips in a jet and fly them as fast as possible to a different galaxy.
Next step: Ask for a refund.
I don’t want to sound impartial but another guy had something good to say to the guy above who lost 37% of his account:
razzezz (Newbie) says:
I have Pipjet and Megadroid running on three different brokers and see nothing like the results you see. Neither have lost a trade this week. On a small $150 real account, those EA’s have generated 9.9% growth this week alone.
I would suggest testing it on another broker while you’re still in your Money back period….
HFS Email says:
Email Subject: PipJet is a joke….. Stop buying garbage! …
Dear Trader,
Chances are, you have received MANY emails the last 7 days about a new program called “Pip Jet” promising huge Forex returns…
I decided to check out their website and I saw that they were promising $1000 into $36,000 in just a few short months… Really?
But guess what? This is their MyFXBook Page showing only 17 PIPS! If you don’t know it, a lot of these fancy marketers use screenshots in videos and promise verified results, but the real results shown are NOTHING like what is promised…
But sadly enough… many people are foolish enough to still buy this garbage because they are too lazy (sorry) to actually verify the results…
HonestForexSignals.com on the other hand offers:
-Over 15,000 Pips VERIFIABLE by even calling our brokerage, and thousands of pips verifiable on our MyFXBook, MT4I, and proof page.
– EXCELLENT Forex Peace Army reviews.
– Better Business Bureau “A” ratings.
-PHONE support. Not that “Support@….” email address.
In the last 2 week, we have made over 300 Pips. You will NOT get rich trading Forex with $3,000 or even $5,000 — BUT — if you work with legitimate services, you CAN make money… This is the last couple weeks of trading. We DO NOT always win, but we are still very profitable!!
The sad thing is thousands of people trading Forex believe in hyped-up programs promising stuff like “no losing months” and turning $500 into millions, etc.
Any questions, contact myself or Mike anytime — you can call us anytime (not at 4AM please) ..
Have a great week everyone, and HAPPY Independence Day to everyone here in the States!
What concerns me with these scalper robots, EAs, systems, etc., is even if they are legit and have a high winning ratio, by the time you factor in 2 or 3 pips to get into the trade, and then another 2 or 3 pips to get out, say an average of 5 pips for the total trade, and your trade just produced 5 pips…The only one making anything is the broker. You have made NOTHING! So, unless you have an extremely low spread when these trades are taken, to me it’s not worth it, especially if you plan on using VPS, instead of leaving your computer on the whole time.
I don’t understand why selling for a low price automatically makes it a bad product. MD made 2.5 million bucks over 3 years, with a sale price of 67 bucks. If you can make 2.5 million at that price, why make it more expensive ?
I guess if 50,000 people all started a small account at once, then initially 5,000 lots per trade might be generated – but what happens if the accounts start to grow ? 20,000 lots per trade ? 50,000 ? Surely there must be a point at which there is a problem in terms of execution time at some brokers, if nothing else ?
I guess the liquidity angle exists because people can’t get their heads round the size of the market – if people knew how many lots were being traded on the asian sessions for this pair, then liquidity concerns might be eased.
This is a very interesting bit of marketing and considerable effort has gone into the explanations on the web site. But it doesnt pass my “sniff test”. If it really worked, why sell it for $97 – just keep the method to yourself and easily make more than $97 every night and compound that. So, its either one of 3 things: (i) Its a scam and doesnt work (ii) It works and they are using the sales to fund their trading account to make big bucks or (iii) it works up to a point – but there is a hidden agenda – e.g. it will only work until too many traders are using it or there a time bomb hidden in it. Im not sure if its (i) or (iii) because (ii) doesnt make sense – they would be selling this on a subscription basis if (ii) were true. Ill be very interested to see how this develops and able to support anyone testing if in any way. Heck – maybe Ill crack and get my credit card out and try it for myself….
Actually, the more traders use this, i think the better it will work. I started my own forward test last night. Same, no trades, because EA determined that spreads were too high. the more use this, liquidity will be higher, and spreads will be lower. I will be testing on different brokers to find which works best. obviously STP ECN brokers will be best for this, but have to identify the best ones.
Actually no. Even if one million retail traders use this, it won’t put a dent on anyghing much less make it work better. Why do people still hold onto liquidity myths?
I will also be running a live test forward once I have seen that it runs on a USA broker. Just waiting for those first few pips to start before I jump in.
Interesting, when are you gonna have the demo up you think admin?
Right now! Do a refresh if you dont see it 😉
If is truly a product from magadroid then it should worth trying. I wil go for it.
cant say but the picture i just saw of a girl with a robot of pipjet ad, same picture i have seen on forexfxscalper, ninjafx,superfxscalper and recently forex arbitrage sold by a guy called craig.i cannot make out the truth.
If the Live accounts from last the 2 years are showing what they have announced we will test PipJet on a Live account and publish a Link (myfxbook) to it on our Website.
So… anyone know of any good brokers that allow scalping with a low spread on usdcad? lol
Hotforex, FXChoice
Try FinFx.
I’m wondering if the founders of Megadroid, Albert Perrie and John Grace really created Pipjet or if they are just marketing it.
Looks like a USDCAD scalper, will be interesting to see how this fairs… I will be giving it a shot and post my results here.
Thanks Joe, I plan on getting atleast a demo account up for it as well as I’m sure there will be lots of interest surrounding this in the early stages.
There are literally almost 10,000 entries when you do a google search for pipjet. Everyone and his brother is marketing this. This is the largest marketing campaign I believe I have ever seen for a forex product. My question would be, even if this is a good product, how long will it stay good with 50000 plus traders using it at the same time. I personally do not know but it really makes you think.
Again, numbers of users does not affect the market. Even if they are all using the same broker.